What does your company do?

We supply medical equiptment and other medical related supplies to facilities, namely hospital,medical and vet labs ,schools across the caribbean,our offices are in jamaica and the usa

What does Microbiology mean?

Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms that are alive but are too small to be seen with the naked eye. These tests are done to determine if an infection is caused by bacteria, fungi or parasites. An abnormal result may be a sign of disease.

Microbiology labs include many tests. A common Microbiology tests is a urine test.

Where can I learn more about Microbiology?

Go to the Learn More section under the About tab. Here you can find general information about lab tests. This includes VA Microbiology and links to additional resources.

If you cannot find information in the Learn More section, you can contact your health care team.

How does Microbiology affect everyday life?

These microbes play crucial roles in nutrient cycling, biodegradation, climate change, food spoilage, the cause and control of disease, and biotechnology. … They can be used in many ways; making life-saving drugs, the manufacturing of biofuels, cleaning up of pollution and producing or processing of foods and drinks.

what is a petri dish?

A shallow dish (plastic or glass) with a lid, used to culture cells (bacteria/microorganisms).

what is a media?

Contains selective or non-selective nutrients which can be used in a semi-solid form (agar) or in a liquid (broth) form. Specifically used for the growth, storage or transport of bacteria/microorganisms





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